Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Heading back to Russia

I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be heading back to St. Petersburg in August to perform again at the Grand Hotel Europe. The dates aren't solidified yet, but what a great time of year to visit the most beautiful city in the world!! I do however, want to be able to communicate with people this time around, so I've signed up for a beginning Russian language class at the Beverly Hills Lingual Institute. They actually put me in an "advanced beginner" class because apparenty I already know more than I thought I did!
I can't wait to go. I can't wait to see the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Summer Palace (it was closed in December), the endless arches of all the fountains, another trip to the Hermitage, and of course I have to visit the Russian Museum again. Ilya Ripin is my new favorite painter, and I'd like to learn more about him.
And the Grand Hotel Europe is simply beyond words.
I'll keep posting updates as I learn more!

1 comment:

Amy said...

how wonderful! I had dinner with some friends the other evening and they had invited a Russian couple...the gal Sveta was very Russian and the hubby was an American who learned the language. He said it was not that difficult and he used a CD from Costco to help him. Have Fun