Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another creative outlet

Well, since I've had a break in between gigs, I decided to put my sewing skills to work. Yes, sewing!! I've been taking classes on the fly since last summer, so I thought I'd post a few of my creations. These were all done on a 1961 "Slanto-matic" Singer, and I've been thoroughly enjoying myself. Take a look:

This is a dress I made to sing in when I went to Russia; but by the time I finished it, I realized it was too cold in Russia to really get away with it. (I was wrong, of course; they overheat all the buildings, so this would have been fine). It's actually two separate pieces which I altered from the riginal patterns. This was my first project out of the gate, and it encouraged me!

This is project #2...This is a crushed velvet/nylon fabric, with a silk gold lining on the inside. This was a beast to create! The pattern said "easy", but let me tell you...I ended up sewing it together backward on the top...what a nightmare. But it worked out!! I did wear it on New Year's Eve in Nashville...

This is a cashmere sweater I made for David...He hates modeling, but you can kind of see what it looks like. I got this fabric in LA's downtown garment district - it's a fabulous cashmere!

With the yard of cashmere I had left over, I made this little sweater for myself...it's got bell-sleeves and a soft, wide boat-neck. You know how I got this? I took a pattern for a yoga top and altered it!

This is the pattern I used to make the above top - I altered the length and added a band around the neck. Several women at my office want me to make one for them!

Here's a yellow shirt I made for David, made out of Lyocel (a wonderfully soft knit). I made this in preparation for the cashmere sweater (same pattern). It's really comfortable and I think I'm going to make some more of these, in different fabrics.


Southbaygirl said...

I'll take a yellow shirt, xl, in a soft pastel color-maybe pink,,,,

Laura Pursell said...

You're on!!!!!!

Amy said...

Hey girl! thanks for stoppin' by my blog! A singer...I wish I could sing! I'm pursuing a voice over career now and acting. My daughter sings and I love going to her lessons....she does not know that I practice when she is not home. ha ha ha ha ha...HA! yes I dream of sewing....I had a dream last night about a purple dress. How much fun you must have making your gowns! have you made any long gloves? sexy!

Laura Pursell said...

Amy, I can't believe you mentioned long gloves...I actually had a dream about wearing long gloves -- weird...I guess I'll have to make a pair!

Amy said...

I only purchase patterns when they are on sale...when I read there is a sale I go online to the websites and look at all the patterns I want and write the numbers down and just run into the store with my list instead of looking at the books.

P.S. do you have a rhinestone heat tool? check out sue's sparklers online...I imagine some tiny tiny rhinestones on your gloves that will shine when you are on stage!