Tonight I joined our local neighborhood phonebank for the Barack Obama campaign, and for the first time in my life, I am actually volunteering for a political candidate.
I've never been political.
I'm not one of these people shoving her opinions down anyone's throat.
I don't even like to share the few strong opinions I have.
But this is different.
I grew up in the era of Nixon and Watergate, the Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton scandals, and a racially divided atmosphere. Politics were dirty, it was just accepted, and eventually you learned to close your eyes and ears to it all.
But for the first time ever, I truly feel something in the air, a feeling that change could actually happen.
Imagine a government whose leader wasn't put there by lobbyists.
Imagine a President you actually listen to, and believe.
Imagine a country you might actually be proud of, an imperfect country trying to get it right.
It really sounds too good to be true, but for the first time, there's a light burning somewhere in a lot of people...a light that could lead the way to a different kind of leadership.
And I'm all for that.
Barack Obama is a unifier, not a divider, and that's the #1 reason why I made that decision today to help out the local phone bank.
Who knew? I guess I can change too....
you are such a rebel!
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