My good friend and long-time musical collaborator Chris Cutler has just published a new website for his songwriting demo business, www.yoursongdemo.com. Check it out.
He offers a unique service to songwriters who need help recording their ideas. The good news is, his clients don't have to be professional musicians or even skilled instrumentalists. All they have to bring in is an idea - a line, a lyric, or a melody. Chris then works with the client to flesh out these ideas musically. He creates backing tracks, or - if needed - a vocal as well. This is ideal for beginning songwriters, students in a songwriting class, or anyone who has a great song knocking around inside his head, but just doesn't know how to make it "real". At the end of the day, the product belongs to the client. Chris takes no percentage of publishing or any other claim to the material. And his rates are extremely reasonable.
Right now (on a more personal note) given the current state of the world, I really think it's important to try to make sense of the world we live in. Self-expression through songwriting is one of the ways we can do this. I think there are a lot of songwriters out there who just haven't had the time or the tools to produce their songs.
If you are one of these people (or know someone who is), send them to www.yoursongdemo.com.